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Showing posts from May, 2017

Are robots stealing our jobs?

Photo by  Rock'n Roll Monkey  on  Unsplash From replacing workers in factories to driving buses, there are many worries surrounding the advancements in the robotics industry. These concerns are not entirely unfounded as many processes are becoming more and more mechanised. There are even robot rock bands! The worries seem to stem from robots having the ability to carry progressively complex tasks; The Henn-na Hotel in Japan is the world’s first hotel to be staffed by robots. These robots speak many languages and aid in the checking in and out processes, they are able to store luggage and carry it to the guests’ room. Facial recognition software is also used as a room key replacement. Loss of jobs seems to be a large area of human concern. In fact the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) have recently warned that robots will replace a third of the UK’s jobs and a study conducted in 2013 by Oxford University estimated that “47 percent of total US is at risk...