I decided to go Interrailing with school friends in summer after finishing my A Levels. Once we'd worked out roughly when we wanted to go and who with, we were left with the seemingly impossible task of planning a trip that EIGHT people were happy with. Firstly, I think it is important to stress that backpacking with several people needs to be reasonably planned out - think about turning up at a hostel and hoping they have 8 beds to spare... Other than where we were going to spend specific nights, we went on our trip reasonably open minded of what we’d get up to. Travelling with a large group I'd definitely say that there were some disadvantages to backpacking as a large group: we didn't really socialise with others much - we tended to take up an entire hostel room and there were so many of us we didn't exactly feel the need to start to make new friends along the way. When we all wanted to go to the same place to eat, we did struggle to get a table (although ...
Attempting to document my adventures with photos, places, tech and food